Newcastle Local Pharmacy Services

Details of services that are commissioned from Newcastle Pharmacies, by Newcastle Local Authority and third party providers are shown below. Some services may not be commissioned form or available from all pharmacies

Emergency Hormonal Contraception and Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea screening service – PSNE Ltd

The purpose of this service is to ensure equitable and timely access to emergency hormonal contraception for females aged 13years and upwards. The service will also provide Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea screening (15- 24yrs) from the community pharmacy. The purpose of this service is also to ensure referrals are made to sexual health services for ongoing contraception and further advice (imperative for all under 16 year olds).

Service details and funding – EHC and Chlamydia

Supervised Consumption – PSNE Ltd

Pharmacies participating in the Council’s supervised consumption scheme will directly supervise the consumption of methadone or buprenorphine as directed by an NHS prescription.

Pharmacies participating in the Council’s needle exchange scheme will help ensure that injecting drug users within Newcastle upon Tyne have access to needle exchange facilities across the city

Service details and funding – Supervised Consumption and Needle Exchange

Intermediate Stop Smoking Service & Voucher Fulfilment – Newcastle Council/CGL

Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death and disease in England, and is one of the most significant factors that impact on health inequalities and ill health, particularly cancer, coronary heart disease and respiratory disease.
Reducing smoking prevalence therefore remains a key public health priority in reducing health inequalities and improving health among local populations.
Service details and funding – Stop Smoking 2020