Service Coaches
The introduction of the Services Coaches Team last August has been a major success with many benefits. The team of service coaches have supported and guided our Pharmacy and GP Surgery teams in delivering available services in the community, alleviating the pressures on GP Appointments whilst simultaneously moving Community Pharmacy to a more service focused model in line with the NHS Long Term Plan.
The North of Tyne LPC Services Coach team is supported by the ICB to promote local collaboration and unlock the potential of local initiatives and services such as CPCS.
The team can help implement and support Pharmacy First and Think Pharmacy First in your practice free of charge aiming to reduce unnecessary GP appointments for minor ailments such as hayfever, cough and cold like symptoms and the seven clinical pathways .
The service will also support the recent changes in access requirements to the GP contract to ensure patients should be offered an assessment of need, or signposted to an appropriate service, at first contact with the practice.
Our new bespoke and streamlined ‘3 clicks’ training will overcome the perceived barriers your staff may have around sending Pharmacy First referrals via your Emis button or the Pharm Refer App ensuring the right patients are sitting in front of your GPs at the right time and alleviating yours and patient frustrations over the demanding periods.
This training will empower and upskill your admin team to confidently send appropriate Pharmacy First referrals into Community Pharmacy. We will provide follow up support to each practice and also liaise with your Community Pharmacies to ensure smooth running of Pharmacy First between you both.
For further information and to book your bespoke training session please get in touch.:
North Tyneside
The PCN Support Lead and PCN Leads all work very closely with the services coaches’ team pinpointing and identifying key areas where support is needed.