NPA Contractor Event Newcastle 3rd October
Thank you to the NPA for hosting and our contractors who attended the NPA North East Pharmacy Owners event in Newcastle.
Paul Rees MBE updated on the Save Our Pharmacy Campaign, and referenced a recent NPA letter outlining the 6 reasons why it is so important for all independent contractors to complete the ballot.
Here are six reasons to vote outlined in the NPA letter.
• A strong turnout and a strong yes vote will send a powerful message to government
• This is an advisory vote. Voting yes does not tie you into taking action
• If the ballot recommends withdrawing some services you can decide whether your pharmacy(ies) take
action, for how long or not at all
• Actions in the ballot are there to help you reduce costs and secure the sustainability of your business
• We have taken legal advice so you won’t breach your contract or pharmacy regulations
• Large multiples have taken many of these actions already
The evening concluded with a presentation from an NPA member discussing how to save time and make money for your pharmacy business.
CPNEN would like to encourage all our independent contractors to read the NPA letter and to cast their vote in the ballot